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The Time is Now // 6 Week Course
to May 9

The Time is Now // 6 Week Course

We are excited to announce our second ‘The Time is Now’ 6 week course in collaboration with Womenfolk, Blick Studios & Creating A Space.

This course is for creative women that want to take their dreams/ideas/concepts/current business/ideas to the next level. It is a creative approach to taking control and accountability for your life and going for your dreams.

This course will help you create space in your life to work out what you want. To take the time to establish your values, vision and goals. To work out what is holding you back and help you find the confidence to take small tangible steps to achieve your creative dreams and ambitions.

This course is about sharing experiences, hearing other people’s stories and collectively working to help each other to grow and build in a supportive and nurturing environment. This course offers a different perspective and most importantly space and time for you to focus on yourself your hopes and ambitions and how to manifest your dreams. Taking a creative approach and giving you practical tools to break down what you want to accomplish and how to start making it a reality.

We are providing this course because we feel that it is important to create space in your life to sit down and plan out what you want to do. To take the time to evaluate what is holding you back from manifesting the dreams & ambitions that you have always wanted. We know from our own experiences how hard it is to take the time out of busy lives to work on yourself and also how hard it is to work in isolation. This course will provide you with some much needed time and space to focus on yourself within a supportive shared environment of like-minded creative women. We want to emphasise that this is not a quick fix course, but to start the process of working towards your dreams.

We will provide :
- A welcoming space and supportive environment
-Workshop tools including: – Post It Notes, Paper, Pens & Notebooks, an organisational guide of resources & Womenfolk manifestation Worksheets

Week 1 will be an introduction to the group, the 6 week course and highlighting our personal stories. We will be introducing ourselves, Esther Mogada from Creating A Space & Christine James from Blick Studios who will be leading the course. We will share our stories and journeys within the creative industries. Discuss why we wanted to create this course, why we think it’s important and what our intentions are going forward. We will be asking everyone what they hope to get out of the course, and tailor the 6 weeks to their desired outcomes.

We will then work as a group to define our individual goals and ambitions which will shape the progress of the course.

Week 2 we will be focusing on establishing our personal values and ambitions. Your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. They (should) determine your priorities and will dictate how you choose to live your life and your plans and ambitions.

Week 3 we will be working on defining our ambitions. Establishing our vision for the future and begin breaking down our big dream ambitions into realistic short, medium and long-term tangible goals and intentions.

Week 4 we will be asking questions about what is holding you back, challenging what narratives are getting in the way and how you can make steps to really claim who you are.

So often we hold ourselves back out of fear, or narratives that we tell ourselves without even realising that we are doing it. It will be a week of writing positive affirmations about ourselves.

Asking questions of what narrative we want to create, how do we put it in place and understand the person that we want to be.

We will be touching on how important it is to have people around you that believe in what you are doing, create a positive impact in your life and are able to celebrate you for standing in your truth. We will help you work out who these people are for you.

Week 5 we will be covering the importance of building a mindset for success and how important it is to create systems to achieve our goals. It’s easy to set goals and dream big, but without a practical working strategy and plan in place with systems that work for you and suit your lifestyle it can be hard to stay motivated and progress and make those dreams a reality.

We will talk about honestly examining our lives and lifestyles, roles and responsibilities and available time. Priming our environment for productivity, examining and re-framing our language and mind-set. Breaking down our goals and developing habits and systems that are sustainable and help us achieve our goals in a positive way that work for each of us as individuals.

Week 6 is the final week we will recap on everyone’s outcomes of what they have learnt, revisit everyone’s values, vision, goals and intentions and focus on everyone’s plans for the future.

DATES : 4th April, 11th April, 18th April, 25th April, 2nd May & 9th May.

PRICE : £150

TIME: 2.00 PM – 5.00 PM

VENUE: Blick Studios, 51 Malone Road, Belfast, BT9 6RY

Limited spaces available!

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