Prints by Julz


Prints by Julz is an eco-conscious design venture by artist and printmaker Julz Marulina.  Working from a shared studio, The Belfast Print Workshop, she designs and creates hand-printed fine art, textiles and t-shirts. The Prints by Julz brand evolved through a personal quest towards sustainability, and aims to achieve as little negative impact as possible.

1. What are the themes and influences on your print design work?

The dominant themes and influences in my work are the environment, minimalism and surrealism. I like to include subtle artivism, whether it’s printing a series of local endangered animals or celebrating nature and outdoors.  In modern times, I feel that art has to serve a bigger purpose than purely aesthetics. This is why I like to offer an alternative to conventional fashion and fine art products.

2. How do you create an eco-conscious / environmentally friendly brand?

Ongoing research, trial and improvement are a big part of my work. I am always on the lookout for better ways to lower my footprint. I am interested in the entire lifecycle of the making process, from mining of ingredients for pigments in the paints I use, to where my products will eventually end up. 

In my work, I use suppliers that have earned an ethical reputation and can provide me with low impact materials like sustainable textiles, eco paper and soil association approved inks. I personally handpick the textiles and garments I print on, as comfort and fit are very important to me. If I’m not happy with it, it doesn’t make the cut.   I’d be thrilled if my products served a good purpose either as wall art or have been worn to death for many years. My aim is to promote creative design and slow fashion through quality over quantity.

3. What are some of the exciting projects you are currently working on?

Over the past few months I have taken a slight sidestep to become a tattoo artist. I am currently working towards combining my printmaking practice and tattoo art to complement each other. I am hoping to incorporate printmaking effects and techniques into my tattoo flash as well as produce prints and apparel to showcase the tattoo designs on decorative and wearable items.