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Kathryn McGrane is a Belfast based illustrator and also has a background in photography and film. They have a passion for creativity and speaks about the creative journey they have experienced.

We got a chance to hear what Kathryn is all about and gives an insight to being a creative based in Belfast.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what inspired you to set up your company?

 I’m Kathryn an I’m an Illustrator based in Belfast.I love nature  and exploring old buildings.My background is in photography and film but over the last few years I have been interested in illustration. I had fallen out of drawing for a while but committed myself to start again.

What/who influences/motivates you?

 I love reading and a lot of my work is influenced by authors such as Mary Renault and Naomi Mitchison.One of my favourite illustrators is Aubrey Beardsley who created dark and striking illustrations for Le Morte D’Arthur. I always want to create work that responds to something I’ve seen, read or experienced. I’m lucky to be surrounded by a supportive creative community and friends who give me the extra little push to try new things.

What has been your biggest hurdle and your proudest moment or accomplishment with your business so far

My biggest hurdle and my proudest moment are the same. Simply starting. I had carried a lot of self-doubt and fear in me and wasn’t sure where to begin but have met and worked with a lot of brilliant and caring people over the last year which has motivated me to keep going!

Could you give some advice for any young, emerging entrepreneurs?

- Ask yourself what work you enjoy making the most.

-If you feel you have certain weaknesses, commit to working on them and accept they’re not overnight fixes.

- Go out and meet people! Not just for networking, other people’s stories and experiences will enrich you and your work.